Yoga Day 2024

Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals across the world came together to observeThe 10th International Day of Yoga in the Hybrid Mode on 22nd June 2024. The event was organized by Clinic Brain Neuropsychiatric Institute and Research Centre in association with two Specialty sections of Indian Psychiatric Society, Yoga and Meditation and Spirituality and Psychiatry, Section of Religion, Spiritualty and Psychiatry of World Psychiatric Association, Asian Federation of Psychiatry Association, SAARC Psychiatric Federation. The evening started with the Inauguration ceremony conducted by Dr Naresh Vadlamani. The auspicious lamp was lit by Dr Gautam Saha, Immediate Past President of SPF, Dr Amrit Pattojoshi, Hon Gen Sec IPS and dignatories who joined online, with the chanting of the Saraswati Vandana. President of Indian Psychiatric Society, Dr Laxmikant Rathi, gave the Welcome Address and officially inaugurated the Conference. The first session on Yoga and Mental Health was delivered by Dr B N Gangadhar, Chairperson NMC and Dr S Varambally, HOD, Dept of Integrative Medicine, NIMHANS. The Theme talk on Yoga for Women Empowerment was delivered by Pravarajika Sarvalokaprana Matajji. There was also live Yoga demonstration by appx 30 women and children led by International Judge Mr Palash Sarkar. The third talk was by Dr Anahy Fonseca, a world renowned expert on Jungian Psychoanalysis. The event was attended by 120 delegates in the online platform and 80 delegates attended in the venue at Barasat, Kolkata.